Sugar, collagen and aging

In this article I'd like to discuss glycosylation , collagen , and the relationship between them -- accelerated aging . In modern society, more women want to look young and beautiful, so I hope to stand on a professional point of view to talk about an unavoidable food in life: sugar, to help all beauty lovers achieve their health and beauty wishes. Read on, it will be very useful for you. The most important feature of rejuvenation is a face full of collagen, which makes you look like a teenager, so let's take a look at what collagen is. In young, healthy skin, there are two proteins, one is elastin , which acts as elasticity, usually starts to lose around the age of 20, the body can not synthesize; The other is collagen , which acts as a filler and usually starts to be lost around the age of 25, but is made more slowly as people age. It's the second protein that women do everything they can to make up for. Sugar is a seductive food. It's not just in the form of sugar,...