How to do squats correctly-Here's the most detailed advice

💟Introduction 💟 What is to know 💟 Technique Introduction The squat is a multi-joint exercise and - by many - considered a "fundamental" training for the mass and / or strength of the thighs and buttocks. In reality, there are no really "fundamental" exercises; except, of course, in the case of disciplines that are based on the specific athletic gesture (eg powerlifting). Those who, for anatomical-functional reasons, are required to exclude the free squat from their routine, should do so. Similar movements can be performed at multipower or with strength machines (such as leg-press, hack squat machine, etc.). Otherwise, a greater risk of injury must be taken into account. After an exhaustive preface on the characteristics of the squat, I will explain step by step how to do it correctly. Obviously, especially if you want to start "loading" the barbell, the presence of a qualified instructor who evaluates the technique as a whole is - both for performance ...